Monday 16 April 2007

spanish men in pink lycra

a couple of weeks back i went to see two dudes from Madrid in catsuits trash up a cafe.

some words were written, and a few of them are here. meanwhile, i took photographs to give myself something to do to detract from the fact that everyone else had gone home for Easter and i was sat shyly drinking a lemonade on my own...

"...Grabba Grabba Tape smell bad. No; reek. “On this tour, our costumes have not been washed!” Lol-OH!-Vot confesses jovially in adorably stilted Spanglish. “I am sorries; is bad for you, think how for me!” His mouth gurns beneath the fuscia lycra like the movements of one of those weird rubber massage things department stores try to sell you; saliva seeps through the shiny elastane into a neat little oval stain that expands with each syllable. It can’t be nice for him. It’s not very nice for me."

"...Stories of sparkly sea creatures and fuzzy rodents seem pretty innocent and chocolate-y, however, for a band who’ve taped the effigy of an inverted crucifix to the blood red wall behind them and choose Satan over God because Satan is groovy and celebrates “dark love and stuff.” Lol stands akimbo on his kit, re-capturing the upside-down cross with his sticks before wrestling each crowd member into a pungent Chewbacca-hug. Meanwhile, their songs are banana splits of tinselled tinnitus and bastardised beats – strawberry splurges of keyboard are like a hundred chipmunks laughing scornfully in your face whilst the clattering junkshop drums sound far too strong and scary for a bloke wearing what is, essentially, a big girly leotard with extensions."

elsewhere, phrases like "gunky gack attacks", "marginally disturbed" and "American cream soda for brains" appeared. further photos are here, shortly:

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